Let us first discuss what Jain dharma says for worship of God.In Tattvarthsutraji, Acharya Umaswami Swamiji says "Mokshmargasya nettaram,Bhettaram karma bhu bhrataam
Gyataram vishwa tattvanam, Vandey Tad gunn Labhdhaye"
Means, the ones who are the leader of the path of moksha or salvation, who have destroyed their karmas,and those who have the complete knowledge of the realities of the world - to them I salute so that I can also attain the Gunns like that of their's.
So, it is clear that whom to be worshipped, that is who are on mokshmarg, and those who have or are in the process of destroying their karmas.
It also clears why to worship? It is only to get along on their path and attain what they have attained.
God cannot give you anything and so do any devi- devata, Because if they give you anything then what is the importance of your karmas?
If you will go in other path, you will attain something else, choice is one's.
But, this is for sure no one can give or take anything from you- this is an indestructible fact.